Service Connected Disability Benefits Claim Denial

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The Veteran’s Administration (VA) application for service connected disability benefits is long and confusing, and often results in a denial the first time that an application is submitted. Many veterans do not pursue an appeal once a claim is denied for a variety of reasons. They may be tired of the seemingly endless forms, medial record requests, and medical reviews, or they may be physically unable due to their medical situation.

If you are a disabled vet and have had your claim for service connected disability denied, do not give up on your claim after the first denial. You may wish to contact an attorney that is experienced in appealing service connected disability cases, and can help navigate the appeals process. Your attorney can look at your records and case with a fresh set of eyes, and in many cases can uncover new evidence of your disability that may have been overlooked, under-documented, or de-emphasized by case workers, medical personnel, and the system itself. The truth of the matter is that whether through design or disregard, this complex system can make it difficult for veterans working alone to successfully attain the benefits they deserve so that they can live with dignity.

There are important factors that an experienced disability attorney will know that can mean the difference in the outcome of your case. Things like legal standards for proving service connection, filing deadlines, medical record discovery, and questionnaire preparation and filing can make the difference between a successful award of benefits, and lifelong denial.

The Virginia law firm of Geraty, Holub & MacQueen, PLC can help you whether you are just starting the process to get your benefits, or if you have been denied and wish to file an appeal. Call 855-2VA-PAID today to speak with an attorney about your case. There is no up front fee to retain an attorney to represent you, fees are collected only if you are successful in getting your benefits. Remember that once a denial issued you have a limited time to file your appeal or you may lose that opportunity forever.

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